Founder's Message
MEARDS was founded in 1998 with the help of rural young friends, who all had received education in mother tongue in government schools. Despite the language and rural limitations, our experience speaks that sincere efforts would lead one to any heights.
Our villages are situated in the international hot spot – Western Ghats. This region is industrial backward, but has tremendous scope for education. It is our ambition that we should work in this field.
India is a country of villages. Gandhiji felt that the villages should be developed to achieve Rama Rajya. However, even though 65 years have elapsed since independence, the situation of many villages has not improved. Whatever may be the reason for this, development of villages is essential for the progress of our nation. We are of the strong opinion that if proper educational infrastructure is established in the villages, automatically the rural areas would improve.
It is our aim to impart education to rural children in the serene rural ambience. Provision of entrepreneurial, vocational, child-centred education is our object. Education should be interesting, meaningful and should also be near to real life. Further, it is our motto that financial constraints should not be a hurdle for getting proper education. The teachers should be the friendly guides to the natural growth and development of the children. Self reliance should come to the child from the very beginning. Today the children are far more aware of the computer technology than their teachers. The teachers should accept this fact and should also be ready to learn from the children.
Chandana Innovative School for Children in Narebail Village (about 7 K.M.s from Sirsi) is a small beginning in this direction.
It is our strong feeling that this kind of child centred concept should be implemented in every school, government and private.
L. M. Hegde
Founder & CEO